‘Report of Germany snubbing India as G7 visitor over Russia incorrect’
BRAND-NEW DELHI: German federal government circles have described as “wrong” a report specifying that it was thinking about not inviting India for the G7 conference it would host due to the fact that of its position concerning Russia’s war in Ukraine.
German government representative Steffen Hebestreit said Berlin would present its list of visitor attendees as quickly as it is finalised, while German Embassy sources told IANS that the report is “incorrect”.
The report mentioned that Germany is weighing “whether to invite Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the G7 top it’s hosting in June offered India’s reluctance to condemn Russia for attacking Ukraine”.
India and 49 countries stayed away from a United Nations vote to suspend Russia from the UN Person Rights Council and has not imposed sanctions on Moscow.
The G7 is a casual grouping of seven of the world’s innovative economies: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, the United States and the European Union.
The online forum provides worldwide management and plays an effective catalyst function on problems that are later on used up by other fora with wider international and regional subscription.
Published at Wed, 13 Apr 2022 19:49:59 +0000